3 Best Ways To Test A Golf Cart Charger

Testing a golf cart charger is one of the best things a person can do when it comes to keeping a battery or golf cart in good condition year-round.

This includes testing its voltage, continuity, and general working condition.

So, how do you go about doing this as safely as possible? There are specific steps a person should be following to make sure they are working in the right way and the results are on par with what an individual requires.

Here are the main ways to think about when it comes to testing a golf cart charger and why they work well.

1. Use a Voltage Tester

This is a common solution and one most people will gravitate towards.

With a voltage tester, the idea is to set it up with the batteries to see whether or not the golf cart charger is in good shape.

What you are going to be on the lookout for is the minimum voltage level for the battery. This number can be found in the manual and it is something you should note down as soon as possible. It will go a long way in simplifying things as much as you need.

2. Use a Continuity Tester

You are going to take a continuity tester and set it up. This is done by hooking the positive to positive and negative to negative.

Once set up, you are going to test the resistance.

The goal is to make sure the resistance is equal and there are no hitches. If the tester notices these hitches, you are going to know it right away.

This means you will have to look to replace the diode as that is the underlying problem. If not, you will know the charger is still working well.

3. Listen for Noise

This is an underrated tip but one that tends to shed light on whether or not the battery is in good shape.

The goal of this tip is to have the battery close to your ear and then listen for a humming noise. You will have to turn the dial on for this test to be done.

If there is no hum and/or click, it is time to change the fuse. This might be the underlying issue that is causing problems or will in the coming days. Get out in front of the issue with the help of this test.

Final Thoughts

These tips are a must for those who want to ensure they are testing a golf cart charger safely.

You don’t want to make mistakes during this step or you are going to burn the charger. Make sure you are patient have the right testing equipment and stay as patient as possible during the process.

If you do this the right way, you are going to learn more about the golf cart charger and its condition. This is key information that is going to make your life easier and it is going to keep things as simple as you want them to be.

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